Signing in to Your Zoom App
The Zoom application on your computer or mobile device is the software that allows you to connect to Zoom meetings. This is different from the zoom website ( where you can adjust your account settings, but you use your zoom account to sign into both. You may join zoom meetings without being signed in to the zoom app, but in order to be the host of meetings you've scheduled, you must be signed in.
If you use two different Zoom accounts, it is important to check which one you are signed in to before you join each meeting, and make sure it is the correct one (the one you used to schedule the meeting).
How to Sign In
Start the Zoom app on your computer (you do not need to join a meeting) by going to Search (for PC) or Spotlight (for Mac) and typing in "zoom". You might also find the Zoom app on your desktop or dock by looking for the little blue camera icon, or in your Applications Folder or Start Menu.
Once the program loads
If you see a screen that looks like this, you are already signed in. You can check which account you are signed in as by clicking on the small profile icon in the upper right. From there you can switch accounts, sign out, or check for updates, along with many more options.
If you see a screen that looks like this, you are not currently signed in. Please sign in according to how you initially set up your account. Most of you will choose Sign in with Google and then make sure to select your Fuller account if given the option. Some of you will have set a password when first creating your account (not necessarily the same as your FullerID password) and so you will enter your email and password to sign in.
During a Meeting
If you are currently in a Zoom meeting and realize you need to sign in or switch accounts, you may do so without needing to leave the meeting.
On a Mac
While in a meeting, click on the menu in the upper left corner of your screen and then click on Sign In or Switch Accounts.
On a PC
While in a meeting, find the Zoom icon in your taskbar. Right-click on it then click on Zoom, and it will bring up a screen for you to sign in.
Claiming Your Host Role
If you are in a meeting which you scheduled, but find that you're not the host (no host controls, like recording or breakout rooms), it might be because you are not signed in.
To sign in during a meeting, click on the Participants button, and then click on the Claim Host button in the lower right.

You may then sign in to claim the host role.